Beyond Dichotomies.

These are conversations I’ve been having with scientists, artists, & philosophers to understand how our approach to life and cognition might address some of the urgent divides we face today.

By love and philosophy, I mean the people, passions, and ideas that move us, shape the trajectories of our lives, and co-create our wider social landscapes.

Partly due to my trajectory in philosophy, embodied cognition, neuroscience & technology, I’m hoping to better observe binary distinctions in our academic & personal lives (science vs. spiritual, mental vs. physical, technological vs. biological). What positive roles have these structures played? How might rethinking these structures & their parameters open new paths & ecological potentials?

Scales & Sci-Fi with Michael Levin
Andrea Hiott Andrea Hiott

Scales & Sci-Fi with Michael Levin

The first of a multi-part way-making research conversation with Tufts biologist Michael Levin. We discuss his own path and how science fiction helped him see beyond dichotomies. We also discuss the scales of cognition and what it might mean to reorient our understandings of life and mind.

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Crossing bounds with Alex Mosley
Andrea Hiott Andrea Hiott

Crossing bounds with Alex Mosley

Transcript preview:

Andrea: [00:00:00] Hey everybody. So glad you're here. Today we're talking to. Professor Alex Mosley. He also wrote the encyclopedia entry for love and philosophy…. Both of us were trained in philosophy, both analytic and continental, but both of us also have a--what shall I say--more explorative side as well...

Check out the Philosophy of Love encyclopedia article here.

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Internal & External Coherence with Lisa Fitzhugh
Andrea Hiott Andrea Hiott

Internal & External Coherence with Lisa Fitzhugh

A powerful conversation with facilitator Lisa Fitzhugh about the coherence between our internal and external worlds. Sometimes we focus so much on cultivating our external persona that we are blind to how such striving affects our private, inner world.

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Curious Minds & Edge-work with Perry Zurn
Andrea Hiott Andrea Hiott

Curious Minds & Edge-work with Perry Zurn

A discussion of network science, Curious Minds and Edge-working with Perry Zurn, a philosopher at American University. Perry is building the new field of Curiosity Studies. We discuss his newest book Curious Minds: The Power of Connection. "Maybe love and curiosity are not two different contexts."

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Mahault Albarracin

changing scripts,

technology and Artificial Intelligence


John Kubie


life and the hippocampus


Brandon Baylor

category theory

collective computing


Julian Baggini


why philosophy matters, how the world thinks


Brad Love

cognitive & decision science

brainGPT, deep learning, alignment


Fred Cummins

cognitive science

joint speech


Max Bennett

History of Intelligence

evolution, A.I., brains


Patricia Churchland


neurophilosophy, values, emotion


David Seamon

Christopher Alexander

Wholeness, Pattern of Language


Richard Morris

cognitive neuroscientist

the Morris water maze


Georg Northoff

neuroscience, psychiatry, philosophy

spatiotemporal health and illness


Cory Warfield

motivations, technologies

fame, riches, reality


Inês Hipólito

technological & ecological

philosophy and A.I.


Dan Mapes

how we got to A.I.

spatial web, future of tech


Andrew Fanning

ecological economics

Doughnut Economics Action Lab


Doctoral talks.

Research crossovers, papers, and projects as they come into being.

Exploring the intricate relationship between intention, agency, and ecological psychology through Anscombe's philosophical lens. It delves into the nuances of how intentions, as entities embedded in patterns of action, align with ecological psychology's focus on direct interaction with the environment. By discussing how intentions influence the perception of affordances and the importance of a naturalistic approach to understanding cognition, it underscores the need for an interdisciplinary perspective. The conversation also highlights the critical role of social context in comprehending agency and suggests adopting a nuanced view that integrates insights from philosophical, psychological, and enactivist lenses to better understand human and non-human agency. Overall, it presents a compelling argument for reassessing traditional views on cognition, intention, and environmental interaction.

Link to the paper discussed.

Timo is working on ways of applying artificial intelligence in corporate learning and development, focusing on scaling self-actualization in his Ipseity project. In this conversation, he shares his personal catalyst for change triggered by a rough patch in his life and how discovering Jordan Peterson's lectures on psychology opened new avenues of self-reflection and personal development for him. The conversation delves into Timo's philosophical and psychological insights, his project on developing a chatbot to aid in personal development and self-transformation, and the potential of using technology to navigate complex personal growth. The discussion also touches on contemporary issues in cognitive science, the challenges of interpreting Jordan Peterson within academic circles, and the broader implications of tech-assisted self-help methodologies.

Ipseity Project, Timo on LinkedIn

Grateful Chatbots paper

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