Support in
love and


Why give?

  • Conversations beyond traditional divisions

  • Find ways to uncover the philosophy you are living but have not yet noticed.

  • Help promote critical thinking and improved philosophical path-making at integrated scales in our personal lives, businesses, and communities.

  • Philosophies are ways of thinking about the world, orientations we take for granted as we move through life; they are mental maps. We all have them, but few of us have been given the chance to understand what they are or how they’re built. 

  • Whether we know it or not, these philosophies are guiding us and others in our judgements, just as paths and roads guide the patterns by which we move.

    Shared places can look very different depending on which ways we have traveled and what we have seen and had to endure to get here. No one has had the same path, but sharing those paths with one another is at the heart of our meaning and purpose. 

  • Making Ways Love and Philosophy LLC is committed to the idea that becoming aware of these philosophies, these paths in our lives and in the lives of others, can help us better understand ourselves, our societies, and what we want to accomplish.

It really helps.

Money is not about money for us but rather about trying to put our attention, resources, and value on those activities that can orient us towards deeper connection with ourselves and our communities and the ecological world that we are part of and that sustains us.

“I have just found your channel and have subscribed. Says it all, really. Lovely discussion. Gives me hope when I had almost lost it.”


“I love this, Andrea. You’re asking questions that get him to open up in a way that I’ve never heard before. So rich..”

Meaning Code

“Thank you Andrea, your work is valuable and needed in the world today. We are in this quest together, to form a new truths that fit within our reality, you and I and so many others too...”
