Andrea Hiott is an author and researcher and the host of Love and Philosophy.
You can get in touch with Andrea by using the form below. You can also connect on LinkedIn, or write to her directly at admin(at)
If this work means something to you, your community engagement on any level, and your support on any level, is warmly welcome. Here is the Giving Page.
Please donate any amount and we are so thankful. Also please join the Philosophy as a Practice portal here or on Substack and You Tube.
“All we need is Love & Philosophy.”
Other Projects:
Desirable Unknown
In our shared future, there are potentials we know are possible, but there are also unknowns, potentials we have not yet considered. The distinction between the knowable and the unknowable is at the heart of philosophy. In Chinese philosophy, for the Taoist, the universe is fundamentally unknowable and yet, holding the paradox, we can come to know it better and glimpse the Way in experiences Japanese traditions call satori. In more European oriented philosophy, Socrates is famous for the idea that 'all we can know is that we do not know' though his life is itself a way through the unknown. The reason this paradox matters and is at the heart of our search for meaning, is because within the parameter of the unknown, there are unknowns which are desirable and those which are not. Here we find way towards discussing what might be the desirable unknowns for our living planet, and in so doing, ride the paradox of trying to know what is unknowable, or what is only knowable if it occurs.
Way-making Substack
Way-making explores ideas of how we might enter a more complex view of embodied movement and how this might also be understood as mind.
Way-making is a term inspired by Taoism, and can be understood as the movement of the body as well as the movement of the mind: “Way-making blunts the sharp edges and untangles the knots; it softens the glare and brings things together on the same track.” (Ames and Hall, 2003 in Boulton, 2024).
The Substack is a space for exploring, creating, recommending, criticising & improving a philosophy I’ve been developing (the way-making framework). Here I respond to and welcome advice and (well-meaning) criticism from others as I try to relate philosophical ideas across walks of life and disciplines. This is a place to explore whether the way-making approach can be helpful, to champion the many people who have inspired it and its ideas, and to clarify how it relates to other areas of inquiry and scholarship, as there is nothing new under the sun.
This comes in a spirit of community; the point is to grow philosophy together. Everywhere we look now there are captions telling us they have the answers. Instead of pretending there is one answer here, I am hoping we can find the answers together and let those answers grow and live and change as living systems. My goal is to listen and learn, to study and notice the patterns as best I can, and to communicate, create, and share in service to love, health, critical thinking and sensual presence. As a community of discussion, we can build better ways together, expand our senses, experience joint presence, and discover a new ecological space towards helping one another with our individual and community challenges.
What really matters in this life? How do meaningful philosophical and scientific pursuits change how we experience the world? How do the ways we frame our experience (whether consciously or not) become the ways we make in it, or the ways that make future generations?
The first writings will sketch the philosophy of way-making, a work in progress, and the sketches are meant to ask for your participation in showing me what I might have missed or what I can improve or how it would be more relevant to your own work and life. Thank you for being here, and I look forward to your perspective!
Ecological Motoring Initiative
The Ecological Motoring Intiative Substack and its related podcast, Future Motoring, whereby we rethink what is meant by both ‘forever’ and ‘motoring’. It is also related to academic work we do regarding cities and mobility.
EMI works to initiative conversations, connections, and collaborations towards finding ways to meet the motoring needs of all within the means of the living planet (🍩). Vehicles change everything from our cities to our mindsets, but we rarely connect the dots between. Movement is sensual and ecological and we need new forms of motoring for a new earth
EMI (the ecological motoring initiative) looks at how we might transcend traditional dichotomies around machines and ecologies and bring people together around common needs towards a new notion of motoring.
We are moved at so many levels and through so many different landscapes, be those physical, emotional, mental or virtual. From city designers to coders to car manufacturers, we can work together to create a better vision for motoring.
Our minds have been channeled in part by the ways we motor--the ways we move ourselves, our materials, and our ideas. Ecological transportation begins with understanding that the vehicles and infrastructures moving us are also creating cognitive systems.
A 'motor' powers any vehicle that moves us, and our vehicles come at different scales. Whether it is in a bike, a car, computing equipment, or a piece of music, the motor is the part of that vehicle that moves us consistently and structures the ways and means of our movement.
We believe part of the work to be done is in noticing and better understanding the current cognitive systems being created by our forms of motoring, observing the ways they structure our daily lives and activities, and moving into the desirable unknown with a new vision of what motoring can be, including its means and materials.
How can we meet the motoring needs of all in a way that is ecological? What does it mean to move within the means of the living planet? How can we move in ways that inspire and motivate us and increase our potentials longterm?
Other Projects and Collaborations
Personal website for Andrea Hiott
Andrea on LinkedIn
Website for Love & Philosophy
Website for the Ecological Motoring Initiative
Active Inference Institute, Sign up for Substack
Brandenburg Institute of Technology
Love & Philosophy on Spotify
Love & Philosophy on Apple
A list of links to L & P for many other podcast platforms
Desirable Unknown podcast and You Tube
Hippocampal Love podcast and You Tube
Love and Philosophy
You Tube Channel: Love & Philosophy, Beyond Dichotomy
Substack: Love & Philosophy Beyond Dichotomy, the Substack.
Conversations in love and philosophy. Beyond Dichotomy. Sensation. Invitation. Exploration. Way-making. Research towards better Navigability.
By love and philosophy, I mean the people, passions, and ideas that influence our lives and shape our societies. Drawing from my background in philosophy, neuroscience, and technology, I aim to examine the divides in our academic and personal lives, from science and spirituality to mind and body to technology and ecology. What positive roles do these divisions have? How can reevaluating them create new possibilities?
Research in science, art and philosophy towards understanding how our approach to life and cognition might address some of the urgent divides we face. Moving beyond traditional demarcations for learning and development. By love and philosophy, I mean the people, passions, and ideas that move us, shape the trajectories of our lives, and co-create our wider social landscapes. Partly due to my trajectory in philosophy, technology, & the cognitive sciences, I’m hoping to better observe binary distinctions in our academic & personal lives: What positive roles have these structures played? How might rethinking these structures & their parameters open new paths & ecological potentials?
Hippocampus Love
Hippocampus Love Substack and Playlist, a subsection of L&P and its own podcast.