
Holding paradox: Can we enter a new way of thinking?

Hey everyone, I got up this morning after a migraine and decided to just go into the office, turn on the camera and do the RD7 raw unfiltered unscripted no makeup or fancy lights just naturally say what came to mind in the flow of coming back online again. All this had sort of crystallized over night and rather than write it I wanted to just speak it as it came. It expresses the motivation behind this research channel. With love, Andrea Hiott #newwayofthinking #loveandphilosophy #andreahiott #holdingparadox #thinkparadoxically #holdtheparadox #navigability #researchdiary Join https://lovephilosophy.substack.com/ https://www.facebook.com/waymaking/ https://www.instagram.com/waymaking23/ Give https://loveandphilosophy.com/giving-page


Research Diary #8: Hegel and the inspiration of 'aufheben'


Consciousness cannot be cut: Hiott Research Diary six, pre & post conversation with Bernardo Kastrup