Beyond Dichotomy.

Welcome to Love & Philosophy.

Join us as we explore the space beyond divisions while still respecting each side. We’re highlighting the patterns that connect, holding paradox, towards a new understanding of mind.

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I Am Because We Are
Andrea Hiott Andrea Hiott

I Am Because We Are

I am Because We Are

The African philosophy of “ubuntu” offers a way of living that begins with the premise that “I am” only because “we are.” How does this relate to heritage?

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Beyond the Double to Prismatic Perception by Andrea Hiott

holding the paradox until it expands beyond the confines that created it

Read on Substack

Our Kaleidoscopic Future by Andrea Hiott

Can we find a new way of thinking? Yes, and we already are.

Read on Substack



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Shoma Chaudhury


technology and Artificial Intelligence


Jean Boulton

dao of complexity

physics and Daoism


Shay Welch & Elena Cuffari

marginalized body epistemologies

women in embodied cognition

Elena’s Website , Shay’s Website

Mark James

cognitive science

patterns of being together


Lucius T. Outlaw

W.E.B DuBois

philosophy, double consciousness


Julian Kiverstein

Play and Landscape

neurophilosophy, phenomenology


Patricia Churchland


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Tim Ingold

Philosophy with the People in it

Lines, Wayfinding, Paths & Why they Matter


Rupert Read

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