Beyond Dichotomy.
Welcome to Love & Philosophy, where love is the answer, philosophy is the practice, and paradox is our embrace.
We’re highlighting the patterns that connect across disciplines, holding what might seem irreconcilable, all the while focusing on how our approach to life and mind might address the urgent divides we face.
We think of it as way-making. Way-making is a term inspired by Taoism, and can be understood as the movement of the body as well as the movement of the mind: “Way-making blunts the sharp edges and untangles the knots; it softens the glare and brings things together on the same track.” (Ames and Hall, 2003 in Boulton, 2024). This project is about exploring seemingly contradictory ways by exploring the making. Your ideas and collaboration are welcome.
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Elizabeth Anscombe and Ecological Pyschology
Unraveling the Web of Intention: Paper Discussion
An intellectual journey, exploring the intricate relationship between intention, agency, and ecological psychology through Anscombe's philosophical lens.
It really helps.