Beyond Dichotomy.

Welcome to Love & Philosophy, a project connecting head and heart.

We’re highlighting the patterns that connect across disciplines, holding what might seem irreconcilable. Sometimes it gets technical. Sometimes it gets intimate. Some of it will flood you with warmth; some of it will make you wonder. We appreciate your participation, patience and support as we search out the sweet spot of resonance and discomfort. Holding paradox is a practice we embrace.

Way-making is a term inspired by Taoism, and can be understood as the movement of the body as well as the movement of the mind: “Way-making blunts the sharp edges and untangles the knots; it softens the glare and brings things together on the same track.” (Ames and Hall, 2003 in Boulton, 2024). This project is about exploring seemingly contradictory ways by exploring the making. Your ideas and collaboration are welcome.

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Join us as we explore the space beyond divisions while still respecting each side.

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Elizabeth Anscombe and Ecological Pyschology
Andrea Hiott Andrea Hiott

Elizabeth Anscombe and Ecological Pyschology

Unraveling the Web of Intention: Paper Discussion

An intellectual journey, exploring the intricate relationship between intention, agency, and ecological psychology through Anscombe's philosophical lens.

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Scales & Sci-Fi with Michael Levin
Andrea Hiott Andrea Hiott

Scales & Sci-Fi with Michael Levin

The first of a multi-part way-making research conversation with Tufts biologist Michael Levin. We discuss his own path and how science fiction helped him see beyond dichotomies. We also discuss the scales of cognition and what it might mean to reorient our understandings of life and mind.

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Crossing bounds with Alex Mosley
Andrea Hiott Andrea Hiott

Crossing bounds with Alex Mosley

Transcript preview:

Andrea: [00:00:00] Hey everybody. So glad you're here. Today we're talking to. Professor Alex Mosley. He also wrote the encyclopedia entry for love and philosophy…. Both of us were trained in philosophy, both analytic and continental, but both of us also have a--what shall I say--more explorative side as well...

Check out the Philosophy of Love encyclopedia article here.

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Internal & External Coherence with Lisa Fitzhugh
Andrea Hiott Andrea Hiott

Internal & External Coherence with Lisa Fitzhugh

A powerful conversation with facilitator Lisa Fitzhugh about the coherence between our internal and external worlds. Sometimes we focus so much on cultivating our external persona that we are blind to how such striving affects our private, inner world.

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Curious Minds & Edge-work with Perry Zurn
Andrea Hiott Andrea Hiott

Curious Minds & Edge-work with Perry Zurn

A discussion of network science, Curious Minds and Edge-working with Perry Zurn, a philosopher at American University, and Andrea Hiott, a philosopher at University Heidelberg. Perry is building the new field of Curiosity Studies. We discuss his newest book Curious Minds: The Power of Connection. "Maybe love and curiosity are not two different contexts."

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Beyond the Double to Prismatic Perception by Andrea Hiott

holding the paradox until it expands beyond the confines that created it

Read on Substack

Our Kaleidoscopic Future by Andrea Hiott

Can we find a new way of thinking? Yes, and we already are.

Read on Substack



It really helps.

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Shoma Chaudhury


technology and Artificial Intelligence


Jean Boulton

dao of complexity

physics and Daoism


Shay Welch & Elena Cuffari

marginalized body epistemologies

women in embodied cognition

Elena’s Website , Shay’s Website

Mark James

cognitive science

patterns of being together


Lucius T. Outlaw

W.E.B DuBois

philosophy, double consciousness


Julian Kiverstein

Play and Landscape

neurophilosophy, phenomenology


Patricia Churchland


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Tim Ingold

Philosophy with the People in it

Lines, Wayfinding, Paths & Why they Matter


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